About Us

Meet Stefanie and Chelsea

Bowman Academy: Where we heal hearts and teach the magic of energy.

Meet Stefanie

Hey there, I’m Stefanie, the Co-Founder and Intuitive Counselor at Bowman Academy – connecting with the unseen. For years, I called it a curse, but today, I see it as a superpower. Through tarot, crystals, and more, I embrace the extraordinary.

Life threw me curveballs – told I couldn’t have kids, yet here I am with a little girl. I’ve faced abuse, conquered concussions, and emerged stronger. Now, I’m here to show you: that the impossible is possible.

My mission is clear: I want to be a beacon of hope for those navigating seemingly impossible challenges. I stand as living proof that the impossible can be made possible. Life is a canvas, and each challenge is an opportunity to paint a new reality. I invite you to join me on this extraordinary journey, where we embrace our uniqueness, conquer adversity, and discover the boundless possibilities that lie within. Together, let’s weave a tapestry of hope, resilience, and the magic that comes from being authentically ourselves.

Meet Chelsea

Hey! I’m Chelsea, the Co-Founder and Intuitive Counsellor at Bowman Academy

Embracing the mystical from a young age, I always felt attuned to a world beyond the visible. Growing up in a family that spoke of my tendency to live in my own little world, I discovered an innate ability to connect with spirits and a passion for spirituality.

My lifelong fascination with best friend therapy now manifests as I navigate the role of an intuitive counselor, weaving together my spiritual insights to guide others on their unique journeys.

I’m passionate about empowering others to believe in themselves and going after their goals. I believe that nothing is impossible and I believe that if you want something, you should go for it. Helping people work through their blocks and celebrating their accomplishments is what gives me energy.

Join me in exploring the magic within and around us, as we unveil the mysteries of existence and celebrate the beauty of embracing our true selves. 

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